"A startling peek into the mind of a true genius."
Kirkus Reviews

best biography of 2022 by indiereader


"A startling peek into the mind of a true genius."
Kirkus Reviews

5/5 stars
"TESLA’S WORDS is a short book… yet readers will learn as much about Tesla from this as they might from a scholarly 600-page biography."

”…Reading of this book was a spiritual experience.”
—Dr. Vujo Knezevic
Tesla Forum of Western Australia

“Tesla in his own words. Great read by Ellis Oswalt.”
—John Nosta
WHO Roster of Experts; Google Health Advisory Board;
former Chief Creative Officer & Chief Strategic Officer of Ogilvy CommonHealth

reviews and awards:



Australian Associated Press is one of the oldest and and most reputable fact-checking institutions in the world:

AAP FactCheck interviewed author Ellis Oswalt as a source to determine the validity of a viral quote from Nikola Tesla. The Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade echoed views similar to Ellis, and AAP concluded the viral quote was a fake.

Tap here to redirect to the AAP FactCheck article interview with TESLA’S WORDS author Ellis Oswalt.

AAP FactCheck


John Nosta sits on the Google Health Advisory Board, and he is listed on the World Health Organization’s Roster of Experts. John has formerly served Ogilvy CommonHealth as Chief Creative Officer, Chief Strategic Officer, and Unit President. He is also the founder of Nosta Lab. He is considered to be one of the top strategic creative thinkers in the world.


“A startling peek into the mind of a true genius.”

“In order to make Tesla’s extraordinary achievements better known, Oswalt has reworked the inventor’s autobiography, transforming it into a ‘simplified version for a 21st century audience.’ The result is an impressively accessible account still largely rendered in Tesla’s own words…”

See the full review at Kirkus Reviews.


Judge, 8th Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published eBook Awards:

TESLA’S WORDS by Ellis Oswalt is an extraordinarily well-researched book that allows readers to easily access one of the world’s brightest inventors ever. The book reads like a long essay from Tesla’s perspective and includes specific quotations from him that are masterfully woven in.”

"Oswalt blurs together genres in a way that I have not seen before since it utilizes personal essay components in a fictitious way but blurs in elements of non-fiction quotes that are adjusted for modern speak.”

“Ellis Oswalt has presented a condensed, accessible version of Nikola Tesla’s autobiography that is readable even for middle schoolers but still interesting enough for adults…”

“The inclusion of extra resources to explore is helpful, as I think this book will be a jumping-off place for those who read it and they will want to know more about this interesting man.”

“The research, in my opinion, is the most impressive aspect of the book…”

Judge, 8th Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published eBook Awards.


“I have read a number of books and much besides on Nikola Tesla and I thought that I knew the man and his work very well. Nothing that I had read however, had quite brought the spirit, the soul, the mind, and the man in himself as this little book. I have read Tesla’s autobiography, but somehow, this book, closely based on that autobiography, with many of Tesla’s words quoted within, spoke to me like no other.

And what a man, what a mind, what a soul. He was truly a prophet, a seer whose visions foresaw and changed our world, and whose many visions of the future either have previously or are now just becoming true. Famous in his own time for his revolutionary inventions, but then almost forgotten in the second half of the 20th century, now fulfilling his prophecy: “The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked is mine.”

But more than this; reading of this book was a spiritual experience. In his life he was said to have been naïve. This work shows what people took to be naïve was a love of humanity and a determination to be humanity’s benefactor, uninterested in enriching himself. He loved humanity, and though many times he was mistreated and robbed of fortunes, he was not embittered. He forgave all and only wanted to give his gifts to be free for all. He was stopped in his lifetime, but his legacy is now restored and growing.

I loved this book.”

Community member of the Tesla Forum of Western Australia


“Oswalt maintains Tesla’s stream-of-consciousness writing style, which allows readers a peek into the genius’ complicated mental universe. Indeed, Tesla often suffered from visions and hallucinations.”

TESLA’S WORDS offers a fascinating glimpse into a man whose extraordinary brain whirled with visionary ideas but who suffered for his genius in many ways. It will leave readers with a deep appreciation for his important contributions to our daily lives.”

Read the entire review at BlueInk Review.



5/5 stars

"TESLA’S WORDS is a short book, less than 200 pages long, and it’s a fast read, yet readers will learn as much about Tesla from this as they might from a scholarly 600-page biography."

TESLA’S WORDS is an excellent and inspirational document of a man’s revolutionary talent and beautiful vision for a better world that speaks to us even today as we face new challenges.”

5/5 stars.

2022 winner for biography

Read the entire review at IndieReader.


TESLA’S WORDS is a creative non-fiction book that utilizes exhaustive research and re-creation drama to enrich a classic text with additional information, context, and immersive flare in order to highlight previously unexplored aspects of Nikola Tesla's life and also reinforce his genius. The book offers an informative experience that is easy to enjoy and guides the reader on an extraordinary voyage of Tesla's actual words.