A mural in Buenos Aires by @sascal_art.

The Two Names Synonymous With The Word “Genius.”

Here are two of the most unique and productive minds in history. In fact, their achievements are so great and perplexing that most people cannot explain why either is famous.

During much of Einstein’s career, his ideas were controversial. The scientific community at large rejected his model of physics. Today there are still many who would deny Einstein’s achievements, saying like Newton before him, Einstein was wrong and didn’t capture a complete reality.

Many of Einstein’s “wins” did not come until after his death, and Einstein often stood alone in his convictions. The career trajectories of these two men are very different, but there are some commonalities. Tesla and Einstein were both respected and mocked during their lifetime, and their reverence has largely grown with time after their deaths.

Einstein made predictions that are only being confirmed a century later. Both men are deserving of the title often given to Tesla—A man ahead of time.
For Tesla too, made absurd predictions that became true.

Nikola Tesla Vs Albert Einstein

It’s hard to imagine the level of genius possessed by either of these guys. Einstein figured out the speed of light without putting pen to paper. Tesla invented our modern electrical distribution systems and remote control, also with only his thoughts.

Thanks to Tesla, remote control tech and access to electricity make up the foundation of all tech. Many people would be just as quick to dismiss Tesla as a genius, without fully understanding his role in history.

It is impossible to measure the intelligence of these two great men, but a more clear argument could be made for which of these scientists has been more helpful to billions of people.

Many choose Einstein on instinct. If you encounter someone who chooses Einstein as a greater genius over Tesla, ask them to state their case. While they speak, slowly flick the light switch on and off. Or better yet, switch off the breaker controlling the power to your house.

Have your friend switch the breaker back on, and ask them again who is the better scientist.

“A startling peek into the mind of a true genius.”
—Kirkus Reviews

“…Reading of this book was a spiritual experience.”
—Dr. Vujo Knezević
Tesla Forum of Western Australia

“Tesla in his own words. Great read by Ellis Oswalt.”
—John Nosta
WHO Roster of Experts; Google Health Advisory Board;
former Chief Creative Officer & Chief Strategic Officer of Ogilvy CommonHealth

5/5 stars
"TESLA’S WORDS is a short book… yet readers will learn as much about Tesla from this as they might from a scholarly 600-page biography."